
Scott Baker Mediation offers several fee options for mediation, including a reduced fee for cases with lower amounts in controversy and for mediations conducted remotely.

The following fee schedule applies to:

  • A two-party mediation and, for an in-person mediation, at a location provided by the parties—typically at the offices of one party’s lawyers (SBM can arrange a facility if the parties are unable to provide one).  For multi-party mediations, the per party fee decreases.  Contact SBM for the charges applicable to a multi-party mediation or if the parties do not have a facility available to them.
  • Mediations conducted within 75 miles of Austin.  Scott regularly travels for in-person mediations—he has conducted in-person mediations in Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, El Paso, Midland, and College Station.  For most in-person mediations more than 75 miles from Austin, SBM does not charge an additional fee (the parties reimburse only travel expenses with no markup). 

Full-Day Mediation

In-Person: $2,275 / party.

Videoconference: $2,150 / party.

A full-day mediation is from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. The full-day mediation fee includes preparation time (including review of materials and calls with counsel), the mediation session, reasonable follow-up if necessary, and lunch (if it is an in-person mediation). Some disputes need more time and Scott will work late into the evening to help the parties get across the finish line. A full-day mediation will not fail for lack of time, patience, grit, persistence, or a willingness to work long and hard into the evening.

Half-Day Mediation

In-Person: $1,450 / party.

Videoconference: $1,375 / party.

Half-day mediations are available in the morning (8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.) or afternoon (2 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.). The half-day mediation fee includes preparation time (including review of materials and calls with counsel), the mediation session, and reasonable follow-up if necessary. If the dispute needs more mediation time and if everyone is available to continue, Scott will continue to work beyond the allotted time to help the parties find a solution (additional mediation time is charged at an hourly rate to be split between the parties).

< $50k

Applicable to disputes with under $50,000 total amount in controversy

$975 / party.

Cases with lesser amounts in dispute can be as difficult to resolve and need the help of a mediator just as much as other cases. But because the relative cost of mediation to the amount in controversy may discourage parties from using mediation, SBM offers a reduced fee to help those parties benefit from mediation.

  • These sessions are available by videoconference only and are half-day mediation sessions (from 8:30am–1pm or 2pm–6:30pm).
  • The fee includes preparation time (including review of materials and calls with counsel), the mediation session, and reasonable follow-up if necessary.
  • If the dispute needs more mediation time and if everyone is available to continue, Scott will continue to work beyond the allotted time to help the parties find a solution (additional mediation time is charged at an hourly rate to be split between the parties).
  • All amounts claimed (including attorneys’ fees and costs requests) by all parties are included for purposes of the total amount in controversy.  This fee structure does not apply to cases that involve complex non-monetary claims such as injunctive relief.

*Each mediation participant is a “party” for purposes of the mediation fee unless: 1) he, she, or it has counsel identical to another participant; and (2) he, she, or it can share with the other participant who has identical counsel one room for all private caucuses during mediation.

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